Rubrics for the Wedding Mass

Rubrics are the “how” of rites and Masses. This page is for rubrics specific to the wedding rite, wedding Mass, and Nuptial Blessing.
From the Missale Romanum (1960)
Si solemnis benedictio nuptiarum, intra Missam, facienda sit die dominico vel die I classis, dicitur Missa de Officio occurrenti, cum commemoratione sequentis Missae pro sponsis, sub unica conclusione, etiam diebus in quibus commemoratio Missae votivae impeditae prohibetur; et in ea datur benedictio nuptialis more solito. Si autem solemnis benedictio nuptiarum, intra Missam, facienda sit aliis diebus, dicitur sequens Missa votiva pro sponsis. In Commemoratione omnium Fidelium defunctorum et Triduo sacro prohibetur sive Missa votiva, sive eius commemoratio in Missa diei, sive benedictio nuptialis intra Missam. Cum vero tam Missa pro sponsis quam benedictio nuptialis prohibetur, Missa una cum benedictione transferri potest in opportuniorem diem non impeditum, post celebratum matrimonium.
From The New Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal (1960)
XI—The Nuptial Mass and the Thanksgiving Mass for the 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary.
The votive Mass ‘For Bride and Bridegroom,’ or at least its prayer in the Mass of the day which impedes it, is allowed whenever a marriage is celebrated, whether it be outside or even within the tempus clausum, if the local Ordinary, for some just reason, allows the solemn Nuptial Blessing.
Apart from those days on which votive Masses II class are forbidden, the Mass ‘For Bride and Bridegroom’ is forbidden on Sundays and whenever, according to n. 381 c, the Nuptial Blessing cannot be given.
Whenever the Mass ‘For Bride and Bridegroom,’ but not the Nuptial Blessing, is forbidden, the Mass of the Office of the day is said, and to its prayer is added, under the one conclusion, the prayer of the impeded votive Mass, even on those days on which, according to n. 343 c, a commemoration of an impeded votive Mass II class is forbidden; during the Mass the Nuptial Blessing is given in the usual way. But when both the Mass ‘For Bride and Bridegroom’ and the Nuptial Blessing are forbidden, the Mass together with the blessing may be transferred to the most suitable day not impeded, after the wedding.
As regards the Mass ‘For Bride and Bridegroom’ and the Nuptial Blessing, the following rules are to be observed:
(a) the Nuptial Blessing is inseparable from the Mass. Therefore, it cannot be given outside of Mass, except by Apostolic Indult; in which case it is to be imparted according to the formula found in the Roman Ritual, tit. VIII, chap. 3;
(b) the Nuptial Blessing must be given during Mass by the priest who celebrates the Mass, even though another priest assisted at the wedding;
(c) the Nuptial Blessing is omitted if the bridal couple are not present; and if one or both have already received the blessing, but saving the custom where it prevails of imparting the blessing if only the man has received it;
(d) on All Souls’ Day and on the last three days of Holy Week, the votive Mass and its commemoration in the Mass of the day are forbidden, and also the Nuptial Blessing during Mass.
- For thanksgiving on the silver and golden jubilee of a wedding, either the Mass of the Holy Trinity or that of our Lady to which is added the prayer ‘Of Thanksgiving’ under the one conclusion with the first prayer, may be said as a votive Mass II class. When the Mass is finished the prayers found in the Roman Ritual, tit. VIII, chap. 7, are said over the married couple.1
Nuptial rubric aids
You can buy/download nuptial rubric sheets here:
Gloria and Credo
For a wedding Mass, the Gloria is said. The Credo is not.4
Septuagesima and Easter
During Septuagesima, the Alleluias are omitted, and the Gradual + Tract are used.
During the Easter season, the Gradual and Tract are omitted, and the greater Alleluia (also called the double Alleluia) is used.
Nuptial Blessing
See the Nuptial Blessing page.
See the Flowers page.
The New Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal: Translation and Commentary. Edited by Rev. Patrick L. Murphy. Australia: The Catholic Press Newspaper, 1960. ↩︎
Tofari, Louis. “Ceremonial Notes: Serving Notes & Training Guides for the Traditional Roman Mass.” Romanitas Press. ↩︎
O’Brien, M.A., Reverend William A. “Nuptial Masses - Sacristan’s Manual for the Extraordinary Form.” Sancta Missa. ↩︎
“Do you include the Gloria and the Credo in the Traditional Latin wedding Mass?” Latin Mass Wedding. ↩︎